Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Story Part III

In regards to the name Mathew when I finally did get to chat with him I asked who Mathew was, he said it was his baptismal name that he hardly ever uses. I asked why he used it he said to freak me out, I asked why and he replied "I don't know, sweetheart". I had asked him early in our chats if he had a middle name to which he replied no, so I thought maybe this was a Finnish thing and let it go, I ended up doing tha a lot.

 Besides little weirdnesses like that he was the PERFECT MAN! He was always supportive of everything I did, he was way romantic, every line to me included an endearment, he started with My Lady and moved on to Darling, Sweet, Sweetheart, Baby and finally My Love or My Eternal Love. Here is another email I received:

April 29, 2010

Hello sweet

Here i am in the office working but i cant get you out of my mind,you mean more that you know to me,you make every minute of my day beautiful ,each day worth living,and the future worth looking forward to.i love this feeling of love i am feeling,knowing that you re out there thinking of me and wishing me the best makes me feel so special.Sweetheart please if i ever i do anything unknowingly to hurt you,do not hesitate to bring it to my notice 'cosall i want is to make you happy at all times.

Good morning,do have a wonderful day

Yours 4 life


Yes, the Yours 4 life started to freak me out, we had been talking for a little more than a month!

So, again our chats and emails continued and we continued to feel closer, he loved my humor and my goofiness, I loved his attention to me. We celebrated when I passed my licensing exam and as school came to an end he told me to keep him in my heart when I was going through difficult times. Finally graduation day came on May 15, 2010 and I was very busy with family and friends from out of town, the ceremonies and a party that evening at a restaurant in town. By now Tony and I had been talking by phone several times a week including chats and emails (I got a good deal through AT & T, international calling for $3.99/month and .20 a minute to another cell or .09 a minute to a landline anywhere in the world). I called him the morning of graduation and he was so cute and happy for me and asked me to call him as soon as I got back home so he could hear all about it and that he was there with me in my heart. That night at my party a woman I had worked with was telling me her story about an online relationship she almost had but didn't feel right about it and ended it soon after it started. Out of politeness I asked her where the man was from and she said the UK, this sparked my interest, so I asked what his story was and this is what she told me: His name was Vince Timmy or Timmy Vincent and he was based in the UK, his parents has died in a car crash (a common theme with scammers), he had a 15 year old daughter in boarding school there (another common theme, a child) and that (and this is the part I should have taken to heart but almist made me pass out) he was a destist that was doing contracting work around the world setting up dental clinics!!! Both my daughter and I started questioning her, she said he didn't do anything wrong that he was just a bit too much she had chatted with him less than a week and she was already being told he loved her...wish Tony had been more like that I would have lost so much! As you can imagine I couldn't get home fast enough to call Tony and of course I couldn't get through on the phone because of the busy weekend, so much for my fun party! I left him a terse email asking him the call me right away (I should have used ASAP) about midnight. He called my cell at 4:30AM and I couldn't sleep so I checked my phone at 4:45AM found his message and called him right away and got endearments just ME: Are you online, HIM: Yes, ME: Okay I will be right there and hang up.

Of course, he wanted to know what was wrong and I asked him if he had ever used another name to find women online he said "GOD NO, I WOULD NEVER", I went on to explain everything I had heard and of course he was mystified, he knew there were other people who were in the same business and maybe someone was jealous of his success...blah, blah, blah. At one point he said, I don't know what to say and then he used reverse psychology by saying: I can't have my woman being with half a heart if you want to call it off now you need to tell me...well, of course by now we have been throwing around the "L" word and I tell him no I believe him and I love him and he tells me it willk take a while but we will get back to normal.

About this time he was sending me a daily "free" ecard which I thought was a bit corny except for the messages he added to them and I came to expect them every morning when I checked my email. I got this email from him during this time:

May19, 2010

Hey baby

You know what is really funny i am here at the office by my computer and all i want to do is talk to you...It feels like i'm missing i forgot something and then i realize i haven't sent you your daily morning e-greeting card.........As i type this i am pondering why that is....I think that you have braught something to my life in such a short time that it is wierd at the same time good and loving

Well just reflecting and thought i would let you know....Hope you had a good nite rest....wish i was there with you to see the sun rise...i believe it would be a beautiful thing to wake up beside you which i cant wait.......heres to dreaming of you..... I love you

Kisses All Over

Your love


And now I am at my fully ensconced in the scammers plan.

More tomorrow....

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