Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It has now been two months since the scam ended for me. I have been reflecting on how I am feeling now as opposed to then. Obviously, the numbness has worn off but as sick as this sounds and I think it is normal, to miss that fictional person I talked with every night and days on the phone. I miss the person I thought I was talking to and not the scammer! He had become part of my life for 5 months and then suddenly, as suddenly as he came into my life, he was gone (along with my money but that is beside the point). The emotional toll was so much more traumatic than the financial. I have been broke before and I will be broke again but I pray that I will have that happiness that I had for those few months back again in my life someday and that it will be for real.
Through this journey, I have found a few wonderful friends and a whole lot of scumbags out there just waiting for the right mark to come along, I have a whole new appreciation for my fellow victims. What really bothers me is I am still hearing from these shattered women, AFTER they have been emotionally and financially raped by these perverse race of men. I want to get the word out to do your homework before you fall victim to these schemes. Don't find this or other blogs and websites when you are at your worst. Ask the hard questions, the ones I avoided so that I didn't make him mad or not like me or worse make him think I wasn't the kind hearted, accepting woman he was looking for. This is what they look for in a victim...win her heart before she wises up and sees the inconsistency in their stories.
When I look back to what should have been my first clue, it was in the very first chats we had, I asked him about some random Finnish word, and he didn't have a clue what I meant. The word meant cabin and it was something I read about on internet that stated 1 in 4 Finnish families had one...1 in 4 and he had no idea what the word was! I laughed it off... maybe it was my spelling (although I spelled it two different ways for him). But it is these little details that gives you the whole picture, don't discount them.
Boy, I wish I knew then what I know now, I would have seen him coming from a mile away. In fact, I am embarrassed by how uninformed I was about the whole romance scam business, and yes, it is a business, make no mistake. I cringe when I think that some of these funds raised by these people go to fund terrorist activities and pray that he just blew my money on fancy clothes, a vacation or something frivolous like that but I also wonder...
More later....

Be safe, before you are sorry.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A New Twist on an Old Scam

Hi all did you miss me? I was working on this scammer for awhile here are his first emails before we chatted:

Re: From Zingle
Alan Mcshane to you - Aug 15
how are you doing debi?i will love to know more about you,ca you tell me more about yourself?


And then the chat:
AlanLoves colette: Hello

AlanLoves colette: How are you doing

debimarzoline: Hello how R U?

debimarzoline: I am doing well.

debimarzoline: What time is it where you r?

debimarzoline: I guess u r buzzzzy

AlanLoves colette: Its 8:ws

AlanLoves colette: 8:14 am

debimarzoline: OK

AlanLoves colette: What time is it over there for you?

debimarzoline: It is 12:13AM

debimarzoline: What r u up to today?

AlanLoves colette: Oh okay what city are you in?

debimarzoline: Carson City, NV

AlanLoves colette: I'm going to see a manchester united match

AlanLoves colette: Good

debimarzoline: Good for you, have fun.

AlanLoves colette: How is work?

AlanLoves colette: Do you remember me mum

debimarzoline: You know hectic..

debimarzoline: Do I know your mum?

AlanLoves colette: Sorry I meant do you remember me well

debimarzoline: R U a Manchester United fan>

debimarzoline: Somewhat, why?

AlanLoves colette: Yes,what about you?do you like football?

AlanLoves colette: Just asking

debimarzoline: Yes, I do.

debimarzoline: Both kinds.

AlanLoves colette: What fan are you?

debimarzoline: Don't have a favorite.

AlanLoves colette: Oh I will bring you to united then,lol

debimarzoline: Are u Alan & your child is Colette?

debimarzoline: Arsenal?

debimarzoline: Maybe.

debimarzoline: How many women are you talking to right now?

AlanLoves colette: My child was arsenal but she got tired of losing

debimarzoline: Haha

AlanLoves colette: Well just one and she is lucky to catch me online,lol

debimarzoline: Yeah, right, you have been on for awhile.

debimarzoline: How old r u anyway?

AlanLoves colette: 45

AlanLoves colette: You?

debimarzoline: 55

debimarzoline: I think we have had this convo b4

AlanLoves colette: Yea right and I asked if I was too young for you

AlanLoves colette: But you said you loved me anyway

AlanLoves colette: Lol

debimarzoline: lol

debimarzoline: How is your business going?

AlanLoves colette: Good

AlanLoves colette: What is my occupation?tell me

debimarzoline: Construction business owner

debimarzoline: But you build buildings and bridges...which is weird.

AlanLoves colette: Why weird?

debimarzoline: So you must be an engineer.

AlanLoves colette: All kinds of construction

debimarzoline: How many employees?

AlanLoves colette: Buildings,roads,houses and all that

AlanLoves colette: Why do you thing my busy is weird?

debimarzoline: There is a lot of rain where u r doesn't that hinder u?

AlanLoves colette: That to me is a polite insult

debimarzoline: No, the range of building jobs is weird for one company

debimarzoline: No, it is not.

debimarzoline: I am clarifying what u r telling me.

AlanLoves colette: Oh okay

debimarzoline: Bridges and roads are quite different than buildings.

AlanLoves colette: Well I have presently 260 workers on permanent workers

debimarzoline: I thought u said it was a small company

AlanLoves colette: And we do hire more on a huge contract

AlanLoves colette: As contractor staffs

AlanLoves colette: Yes that is small

debimarzoline: What is your tartan?

AlanLoves colette: We are planning to make it over a thousand workers,lol

debimarzoline: U have partners, right?

debimarzoline: Just in the UK, right?

AlanLoves colette: No we do contracts all over the world

debimarzoline: Oh, I see.

AlanLoves colette: Anywhere we get contracts,we are still on expansion process

debimarzoline: Did u go to college for what u do?

debimarzoline: What is your tartan?

AlanLoves colette: Well I studied mechanical engineering and did my masters in civil

AlanLoves colette: When you say tartan?its wide in english

AlanLoves colette: So what exactly do you cos I'm scottish     No, you are not!!

debimarzoline: You have a plaid pattern for your family in Scotland?

debimarzoline: Did you go to school there in Scotland or somewhere else in the world?

AlanLoves colette: Canada and scotland

debimarzoline: Oh interesting

AlanLoves colette: First degree in canada masters in aberdeen

debimarzoline: At Napier?

AlanLoves colette: Mcgill university in montreal canada

AlanLoves colette: Then university of aberdeen

debimarzoline: How old is Colette?

AlanLoves colette: She will be 7 soon

AlanLoves colette: How old are your kids?

AlanLoves colette: Does my life bore you?

debimarzoline: No, I find it fascinating.

debimarzoline: U were a father later then.

AlanLoves colette: Oh thanks

debimarzoline: My kids are grown. I have grandkids older than your child.

AlanLoves colette: What else do you want to know?

AlanLoves colette: Well good for you

debimarzoline: What happened to her mother?

AlanLoves colette: I told you before now

debimarzoline: Car crash?

AlanLoves colette: Its a sad story and I hate opening that page   I bet!

AlanLoves colette: Yes

debimarzoline: That happenes to a lot of men on the internet...weird.

debimarzoline: And they all have a child.

debimarzoline: I see a lot of patterns on the internet.

AlanLoves colette: Well thanks

AlanLoves colette: I thinks most people here are going through one pain of the past or another  Accent!

debimarzoline: But it seems to happen to men who work all over the world, it is like a weird phenomenom

AlanLoves colette: Bye if you don't want to talk and stop saying the most important things of my life are weird

AlanLoves colette: I can't believe you just said the died of my wife is weird

debimarzoline: No, I was just talking to you to see if you fit the scammer mold and you do, so you will be included in my blog. thanks!

AlanLoves colette: And the fact that I have a daughter as other men here is weird

debimarzoline: No, just predictable,'

AlanLoves colette: What?

AlanLoves colette: Scammer

AlanLoves colette: Don't play that with me

debimarzoline: Oh I am not'

AlanLoves colette: Where did I go wrong?is it answering you questions?

debimarzoline: Nope.

AlanLoves colette: Don't call me a scammer please,it doesn't make sense to me

AlanLoves colette: You don't even know me okay

debimarzoline: You used the word "cos".

debimarzoline: That is one thing.

AlanLoves colette: And don't even think of adding me to your blog   Threats? Really!

debimarzoline: Why is that?

AlanLoves colette: Cos is an abbreviation for because here

debimarzoline: In Scotland?

AlanLoves colette: It's like a slang

AlanLoves colette: We talk with some many abbr.

debimarzoline: Do you have anything else to say?

debimarzoline: Do you know what Hen means?

debimarzoline: Or fettle?

AlanLoves colette: Listen to me you don't know me well to judge me

AlanLoves colette: So don't tell me I fit as a scammer

AlanLoves colette: I could have told you the same thing if I was stupid but I didn't

AlanLoves colette: If you have been scammed before,that is your problem and not mine okay

AlanLoves colette: So wheb

AlanLoves colette: So when you talk to people be nice and polite,because in the end you won't know who you drove away from your life

AlanLoves colette: You there


AlanLoves colette: Debi where did I go wrong this morning?

AlanLoves colette: Just tell me

debimarzoline: I had you pegged before on Zingle I just let you walk into the rest of it.

AlanLoves colette: I know there are a lot of weird people here with similar stories but do you think there are not real people here

debimarzoline: Oh I know there are I have some good friends from the UK.

AlanLoves colette: If you thought so you should be done with online dating long before now

debimarzoline: From all over Europe actually

AlanLoves colette: So why the sudden hate for someone who has done nothing to you

debimarzoline: I don't hate anyone, I am trying to help women out there who are being scammed by smooth talking scammers.

AlanLoves colette: and you put me in that category for what reason?

AlanLoves colette: P

AlanLoves colette: Because I lost my wife or I have a daughter

debimarzoline: That is only part of it,

AlanLoves colette: People die everyday in car accident     Especially scammers spouses

debimarzoline: I know that is waht is so sad but not every widow has not lost their wife in a car crash except for every scammer out there.    

debimarzoline: Not very original.

AlanLoves colette: It was a car accident

AlanLoves colette: Listen this is a very emotional part of my life and I hate the fact that you are making a joke out of it

AlanLoves colette: I'm not finding it funny

debimarzoline: No joke is being made at your expense/

AlanLoves colette: Okay please

AlanLoves colette: I'm serious

debimarzoline: I am providing a service to women whoi are in a vulnerable stage in their lives.

AlanLoves colette: Do I need to prove anything to you?

AlanLoves colette: No I don't think so

debimarzoline: Do you know what Hen means?

AlanLoves colette: I didn't take part in any activity to put a woman in a vulnerable state

AlanLoves colette: Yes I do?

AlanLoves colette: Why

debimarzoline: B/c it is slang in Scotland that I know.

debimarzoline: Can you talk on Skype or Yahoo video?

AlanLoves colette: What do you mean by its a slang on scotland

AlanLoves colette: Are you playing with me

debimarzoline: Nope.

AlanLoves colette: I can talk on any form of video or cam

debimarzoline: Really>

AlanLoves colette: What do you mean by really?

AlanLoves colette: You sure you are okay?

debimarzoline: Yes, Scammer usually won't get on video.

AlanLoves colette: Well good for them

AlanLoves colette: But I thought I warned you not to call me that?

debimarzoline: No, I am simply explaining that a scammer won't get on video.

AlanLoves colette: Listen I'm not a scammer okay

AlanLoves colette: I work for a living

debimarzoline: So I was surprised you said you could get on video,

AlanLoves colette: My mum's elder brother own 60 percent of our company

AlanLoves colette: Okay

debimarzoline: Do you have Skype account?

AlanLoves colette: I and my daughter own 40

AlanLoves colette: No reason so steal

AlanLoves colette: From people who are working hard and struggling to make their lives right

debimarzoline: That would be a great thing

AlanLoves colette: You can't assume everyone is a con artist

debimarzoline: I don't assume everyone is.

debimarzoline: But there are a lot of them out there.

debimarzoline: Rings or groups of them.

AlanLoves colette: Some times I wonder how people develop the heart to be a con artist   Yeah, me, too!

debimarzoline: hey have no heart.

AlanLoves colette: Not me Debi

AlanLoves colette: What happened to their hearts?

debimarzoline: It was replaced by a love of money

AlanLoves colette: Well I must tell you words fail me for the things you told me today

AlanLoves colette: I feel stupid

debimarzoline: Why is that?

AlanLoves colette: For doing nothing wrong

debimarzoline: Then u shoukld be outraged not feeling stupid.

AlanLoves colette: Maybe is time to delete my profile from zingle and go back to putting all my time in hard work              Yep, you might want to think abiut that, Alan!

debimarzoline: Why are you still talking to me...?

AlanLoves colette: Hen means adult female fowl    No, it means honey or girl!

AlanLoves colette: I wonder why you were asking that consistently

AlanLoves colette: I needed to clear so many things

AlanLoves colette: And I also want to

debimarzoline: B/c it means something different as slang in Scotland.

AlanLoves colette: I also want you to know that you can't always be right to assume everybody is a scammer

AlanLoves colette: No what does it mean

AlanLoves colette: Never heard of it

debimarzoline: Never mind.

AlanLoves colette: Tell me

AlanLoves colette: Don't act like you know it all

AlanLoves colette is typing...

AlanLoves colette: Have you ever been scammed?


AlanLoves colette: There is a reason for this question

debimarzoline: Yes, I have.

AlanLoves colette: I see

AlanLoves colette: How much and when did it occur?

debimarzoline: And the reason is?

debimarzoline: Between March and July of this year.

debimarzoline: I am writing a book about it.

AlanLoves colette: I have been scammed too and I was made to believe that I was paying for the upkeep of some helpless children in an orphanage in south africa

AlanLoves colette: How much were you scammed?

debimarzoline: Really I was paying for a man who was working in Iran to get out and for his daughter in the UK who was robbed.'

AlanLoves colette: I lost 9500 dollars to that story

debimarzoline: Thousands of dollars.

AlanLoves colette: So you were sending money to iran and uk?

debimarzoline: No, the UK and Spain.

I can't send money to

debimarzoline: Iran

AlanLoves colette: how much did you send totally?

debimarzoline: Xk

AlanLoves colette: Where did you meet this guy?

debimarzoline: Online

debimarzoline: FB

AlanLoves colette: Oh my God

AlanLoves colette: That was a lot of money

AlanLoves colette: I only lost 9500

debimarzoline: 9500 pounds

AlanLoves colette: Sorry about the money you lost okay

debimarzoline: That wasn't the worst part.

debimarzoline: It was the emotional toll.

AlanLoves colette is typing...

AlanLoves colette: What's the worse part

debimarzoline: The emotional rape.

AlanLoves colette: SorryBookmark

AlanLoves colette: Sorry

AlanLoves colette: I know how hard it was for you

AlanLoves colette: You loved him right?

debimarzoline: Yes, I wouldn't send money to someone I didn't love.

AlanLoves colette: Oh I feel your pains,though my case was different because I did mine out of pity

AlanLoves colette: So no you should be a financial mess

debimarzoline: Both

AlanLoves colette: How is your financial status?

debimarzoline: Terrible

debimarzoline: Living from poaycheck to paycheck.

AlanLoves colette: A lot of debts right?

debimarzoline: Yep.

AlanLoves colette: Or Debi I will love to be your friend

debimarzoline: What do you like about me??

AlanLoves colette: To know you better

AlanLoves colette: Your simplicity and honesty

debimarzoline: Just know I don't trust and I am broke.

debimarzoline: But I have a job and I have been broke before and I will be broke again.

AlanLoves colette: Listen I want to help

AlanLoves colette: Through this hard times

debimarzoline: How by hearing my sad story?

AlanLoves colette: No I want to know you better and help your emotions heal and maybe help you financially too

debimarzoline: I couldn't take your money

AlanLoves colette: Do you know the person who stole you money is not from uk

debimarzoline: He said he is from Finland

debimarzoline: But I doubt that.

AlanLoves colette: No but you could get your money back if you are lucky

debimarzoline: That would work.

debimarzoline: I have reported it to the FBI here.

AlanLoves colette: That won't work

debimarzoline: Why not?

AlanLoves colette: He is either from Nigeria,Ghana or south africa

AlanLoves colette: And I have the connections to help you

debimarzoline: Okay

AlanLoves colette: I have helped a lady before,almost a year ago

debimarzoline: You want a name.

AlanLoves colette: They usually say they are from uk,spain and usa

AlanLoves colette: Yes

debimarzoline: Yes, I know.

AlanLoves colette: Good

debimarzoline: He said he was born in NY, but raised in Finland

debimarzoline: His wife was killed in a car crash 6 years ago

AlanLoves colette: So there a comittee in Nigeria that is called EFCC

debimarzoline: His daughter was going to school in the UK Napier in Scotland.

debimarzoline: I sent money to the UK in her name and to Spain in two other names

AlanLoves colette: He is a bloody liar

debimarzoline: Well, yeah I know.

AlanLoves colette: Give me the names and his own name

debimarzoline: they had the same accent I spoke to both of them on the phone.

AlanLoves colette: It's the same person

debimarzoline: What is the same person?

AlanLoves colette has signed back in. (9/11/2010 2:07 AM)

AlanLoves colette: You spoke to the same person

debimarzoline: Yes, I only spoke to him or Inessa

AlanLoves colette: What is his fully name

debimarzoline: I gave it to you.

debimarzoline: Anthony "Tony" Mathew Alves

debimarzoline: Inessa Alves or Vanessa Alves

debimarzoline: How do you have contacts in these places?

AlanLoves colette: Who is inessa alves and vanessa?

debimarzoline: The daughter

debimarzoline: Who was in the UK while he was in Iran.

AlanLoves colette: Okay

debimarzoline: None of which is true I am sure.

debimarzoline: She collected the money, I never sent it directly to him.

AlanLoves colette: One of the board of trustees is my friend

AlanLoves colette: a british man

debimarzoline: h okay

AlanLoves colette: So you sent all the money to uk

debimarzoline: No, X000.00 went to Spain to the 2 other names

debimarzoline: He says he is based in the UK.

AlanLoves colette: And how many went to uk

debimarzoline: His story is he was dentist who became a contractor and goes all over the world setting up dental clinics

debimarzoline: But his home is Turku, Finland

AlanLoves colette: Okay

debimarzoline: $X000.00

AlanLoves colette: He is foolish and we will catch him okay

debimarzoline: Why is he foolish?

debimarzoline: He had me convinced and I am not that easy.

debimarzoline: I am the foolish one.

AlanLoves colette: He lied that he was born in NY and stayed in england,he also had something to do with spain

debimarzoline: I should have done my homework and never sent money to him.

AlanLoves colette: Well do you want me to help you

AlanLoves colette: ???

debimarzoline: But his accent was not from South Africa or

debimarzoline: Yes, of course.

debimarzoline: Anywhere I could place.

debimarzoline: And I am quite familiar with accents.

AlanLoves colette: What is his accent like?

debimarzoline: It could have been Finnish

AlanLoves colette: No he is not

debimarzoline: It was like a cross between German and French

AlanLoves colette: People can act

debimarzoline: We talked a lot on the phone.

debimarzoline: And the girl had the same accent.

debimarzoline: Heavy accent.

AlanLoves colette: Listen effc is a board in nigeria and they help people with these problems out

debimarzoline: I have a phone number too

AlanLoves colette: Efcc sorry

AlanLoves colette: Okay I need the number too

debimarzoline: brb

AlanLoves colette: The economic and financial crime commission  This is a real agency, I looked them up.

AlanLoves colette: Okay nice

debimarzoline: And I have the information for a bank in Spain

AlanLoves colette: Do you still call him?

debimarzoline: No, I did a couple of weeks ago and he still answered. I kept the number for my FBI report

AlanLoves colette: Okay give me everything

AlanLoves colette: Don't ever call him again okay

debimarzoline: I couldn't get a wire transfer done so I had to send Western Union & Money Gram but he gave me this inf

debimarzoline: info before I knew that.

debimarzoline: I won't he hung up when I told him I found a couple of other victims and we had talked.'

AlanLoves colette: Okay

AlanLoves colette: Don't ever call him okay

debimarzoline: Why?

AlanLoves colette: They have to make him believe that he has been forgotten

debimarzoline: Who does?

AlanLoves colette: So the efcc can do their home work

debimarzoline: I don't think he is dangerous

debimarzoline: I think he is evil and a sociopath

AlanLoves colette: You have to make him believe that he has gotten away with the money

debimarzoline: He is still active in my area, he has gotten in touch with 2 of my friends.

AlanLoves colette: So that the efcc can do the job

AlanLoves colette: Did he collect money from them?

debimarzoline: No, but I do know another victim.

debimarzoline: And one who he was conning at the same time he was talking to me...but she didn't give him any money

AlanLoves colette: Well if she needs help let me know okay

debimarzoline: The other victim built a FB page with the picture he is using saying he is a scammer.

AlanLoves colette: I will give you links of my friend so you can contact him

debimarzoline: Thank you

AlanLoves colette: That is not enough

debimarzoline: But that is how he contacts women through FB.

AlanLoves colette: Ask her if she need help okay

debimarzoline: I will.

AlanLoves colette: Okay

AlanLoves colette: What is your email address so he can contact you?

debimarzoline: Debi1954@aol.com

debimarzoline: The same one you have.

debimarzoline: When is your birthday?

debimarzoline: Hello?

AlanLoves colette: April 25 why?

debimarzoline: I believe in astrology

debimarzoline: You are a Taurus.

AlanLoves colette: Okay

AlanLoves colette: Yes

AlanLoves colette: And you?

debimarzoline: Scorpio

AlanLoves colette: When were u born?

debimarzoline: November 17

AlanLoves colette: Good

debimarzoline: Why is that good?

AlanLoves colette: So I promise you that you xk could be your birthday present by God's grace

debimarzoline: That would make me very happy and relieved,

AlanLoves colette: But do you believe it?

AlanLoves colette: Do you believe in God?

debimarzoline: I don't know anymore.

debimarzoline: I believe in something...fate.

AlanLoves colette: Well you have to believe in God to get help from him   These scammers-big on God!

AlanLoves colette: If not I can't help you

debimarzoline: It didn't help me not get ripped off.

debimarzoline: I believe in divine intervention.

debimarzoline: I believe everything happens for a reason.

AlanLoves colette: But it could help you get the return and a compensation from Tony's country

debimarzoline: Okay,

debimarzoline: I will pray on it.

AlanLoves colette: Yeah

AlanLoves colette: Okay

AlanLoves colette: So are you in or out?

debimarzoline: What time is your match?

debimarzoline: I am in.

AlanLoves colette: 12:45

debimarzoline: So in another couple of hours.

AlanLoves colette: I'm talking to you from my phone

AlanLoves colette: Yes

debimarzoline: Where are you?

AlanLoves colette: So tell me if this help works out will you forget me?

debimarzoline: No, of course not.

debimarzoline: We will be friends.    Not!

AlanLoves colette: Hhahahahahaa

AlanLoves colette: I thought so

AlanLoves colette: Okay good

AlanLoves colette: So what are we now?

debimarzoline: Even if it doesn't thank you for caring.

debimarzoline: Buddies.

AlanLoves colette: Lol

AlanLoves colette: I like that

debimarzoline: Where are you on your phone?

AlanLoves colette: I will send you his email so you can email him okay

debimarzoline: Okay.

debimarzoline: Are you giving him all of the details first.

AlanLoves colette: Well I think he will love to get it directly from you I don't know about this job okay

AlanLoves colette: Lol

debimarzoline: What do you mean?

AlanLoves colette: You have to give him the details directly,he will explain better

AlanLoves colette: I'm just helping

debimarzoline: Okay.

debimarzoline: Send me your picture too.   He didn't!

AlanLoves colette: So debi sorry about you money and emotional rape

debimarzoline: It is what it is.

AlanLoves colette: My picture

debimarzoline: Yes.'

AlanLoves colette: Don't you have it

AlanLoves colette: ??

debimarzoline: No

AlanLoves colette: Okay

AlanLoves colette: I will

debimarzoline: Okay good.

debimarzoline: You aren't driving and texting are u?

AlanLoves colette: He will email you today,when he does reply as soon as you can because he is a busy man

debimarzoline: I will

AlanLoves colette: He usually will not email a victim but he will because of me

debimarzoline: Well then thank you.

AlanLoves colette: Else you will follow the normal procedures

debimarzoline: Got it

AlanLoves colette: Because there are 1001 files to be open

debimarzoline: I can imagine.

AlanLoves colette: So they will open a case file for you

AlanLoves colette: Yes

debimarzoline: Good.

AlanLoves colette: So mail me if you get anything from him

debimarzoline: I will let you know.

AlanLoves colette: I'm calling him right away

debimarzoline: Again thank you.'

AlanLoves colette: Yeah you are well come

AlanLoves colette: Well I didn't tell you I got my stolen money back

debimarzoline: Good for you'

debimarzoline: I hope I have the same good fortune

AlanLoves colette: Yeah I will try my best

debimarzoline: Me, too

debimarzoline: I should get to bed. it is 3:00am

AlanLoves colette: Please put in efforts okay and stop calling the freak

AlanLoves colette: Okay talk to you soon

debimarzoline: I will

debimarzoline: G'night

debimarzoline: I hope your team wins

AlanLoves colette: Thanks

AlanLoves colette: Good night

AlanLoves colette: And good luck

And the emails I got from his friend:

Robert Fegor to you

Good day,

How are you doing today?my friend told me about your problems,infact he has been calling my phone for days,He told me somethings about your stolen money but i will like yo hear it directly from you,so send me a mail in full details,then we can kick off from there,it should be sent as soon as you get this as you know i have over 1456 cases to attend to this period but i want to help you because this is what my job is all about.........so i will be hoping to get a reply from you soon,stay blessed


Rob Fegor

I sent him a response with all the details of my scam and I got this response:

Robert Fegor to you - Sep 13
Work in Progress

Hello Debi,

I got the details from your mail and we have got some useful information already from Mr Tony's mobile number (447011162510),it has been observed that his mobile number you have been calling is a UK number roamed into a Nigerian number,the so call Mr Tony has been in Nigeria all through the period you were calling him,with the help of some of our highly rated scientific machines,we now have the Nigerian number of the Scammer and i can assure you his name is not Tony but don't worry we will get more information about his real name and address,i called the UK number and the Nigerian number then i heard the same voice from both calls,you see they are not as smart as they try to be sometimes,we have been doing this job for sometime now and we have been lucky most times,some of the Scammers hit a lot of money and in some cases when we track them down most of the money must have been spent,In such cases we keep them in custody and make their families to pay the exact amount they took from the victims,over 74% of our jobs has been successful,so we have to keep our fingers crossed and pray that hopefully we get a good result from this case,so you need to take a deep breathe and think less of this problems,Alan told me the FBI are already working on this same case,but you have to let them continue their job and allow us do ours,don't give then any details about our investigations until we are done,i have a strong believe that this will be a good case and it will also be a serious lesson for others out there.

So now there are some steps the victims normally follow for a case file to be opened in our head office in Abuja,Nigeria for record purpose,i will send you a registration form and you will fill in the required informations for the fields provided on the form,but mind you there is a refundable amount $550 for the filing of any case if the victim loses more than $5,000 USD,this amount is refundable after the verdict of the case and the victims always gets a 20% compensation of the total money lost from the Federal Government of this Country,the decision for us to proceed with this case comes from you next command,so it's left for you decide if you still want us to continue the investigations or not,i also heard some of your friends are also victims so if they are interested let them mail me,but i won't need more than 2 people because i have a lot of jobs to complete this period.

I will need your mobile number so i can call you whenever i have any useful informations for you,reply as soon as you could.


Rob Fegor.

I sent him the following response:

On Mon Sep 13th, 2010 7:20 PM EDT Debi Marzoline wrote:

>Sorry, I checked the EFCC website which states there is no money required on

investigations. I won't fall for this again.

And as so as I sent this AlanLoves colette came on Yahoo messenger and wanted to chat....sorry I didn't save that one...but I played it cool and when he asked if I talked to his friend, I told him yes and I was just waiting to hear back. Before I could get off line nhe said his friend was texting him and wanted to know what I had said to him...sounded a bit peeved. I didn't answer him just got offline when I got back a few hours later I had the following email from his "friend".
i'm suprised
Robert Fegor

Hello Debi,

I got you mail and I'm not suprised with the reply you sent,sorry this is not

a game,you could have asked questions if you didn't understand my message

instead of saying I work in a con organization,when we are dealing with cases

that involves political criminals and other local illegal money movement around

the country no amount is paid for such investigations because nobody ask us to

do jobs like that,it's usually an underground investigation,I guess I did wrong

to give you my imminent attention as soon as I was contacted by Alan on your

behalf,the only reason we collect this money it's because the victim is from

overseas,this is the normal process,I wonder why I would want to lie about

this,I understand that every new person you meet is a suspect,this is the normal

way to act after falling victims for this theives,but this is a minor case.I

have helped a lady from Italy who was referred to me by Alan,she was defrauded

some money well over 25000

pounds and at the end she got most part of the money the boy and his family

could provide.let me ask you a question so if we get him down won't you come

down here to see him and get your money?please everybody can't be the same

okay,take care.



Of course, I didn't answer but a few days later I was feeling playful so I sent him a message back:

Hello Rob,

Sorry, I didn't get back to you but I had an emergency! You are right "once bitten, twice shy" on scams. Listen, right now I have no money to expend in any way, thanks to being scammed out of any extra money I had. But I was wondering, since it is refundable and you are in the same country, maybe our mutual friend Alan could advance it for me?? I know that is probably out of the ordinary but since he is a business owner it would not be such a burden to him. Next time I talk to him, I will mention it.

Thank you ever so much....May you bask in God's love.


Oh, did I say playful, that is not the word I meant at all....

Here is some more scammer speak I have gotten from scammers on Zingle:


Hello Queen .i think u don't u mind me calling u Queen Lol..? how are u..doing? Am john by name Am 46yrs from ALCESTER . Am single an easy going..Man, sincere, loyal, smart, honestly, faithful and trustworthy. i love..swimming, playing tennis, outdoors activities like camping, hunting and..fishing. Am brought up in Christian family...i work as an road..contractor ,and i travel alot for contracts which am currently in west..Africa In benin to which Am here to construct some bridge and is a very..good contract ...Am cool to heart and enjoying when you really..understand kind of person...i am... a responsible Man with a pure..Christian background...... i'm single but willing to relocate if i found..my match ... cos i love my partner to be extremely truthfully and..honest person...loving and caring to heart,understanding,purely..matured...and every willing to take each other for the way we are and..help build our future. to be really sincere from my heart you are very..beautiful and elegant Woman ...why don't you give me a message on my..yahoo chat id at ... friendlyjohn01atyahoo. com and lets get to know..more of each other and explore the best of ourselves...i will be dying..to see you write back to my email address . my email address is ......friendlyjohn01atyahoo.com........sweet smiles from john


i am Chris and i am still new in this dating site,i also came here to search for serious,honest,trustworthy,cool,reliable,romantic woman who no how to play love and someone who will give me her100percent of love....hope here from you soon...you can send me am email straight to my box...here is my email...jeffchris58@yahoo.com so i can send you my picture

see you very soon...


Hi there? care to start something small getting to know each other better, please reply me ok.



Mich@Zingle Wednesday, 11 August 2010, 11:19

I'm from GA but now living in Pembroke, UK. care to reach me on messenger at mechll37@yahoo.com or mchll37@live.co.uk.


Alan@Zingle Saturday, 7 August 2010, 9:40

hi beautiful,

how are you doing today?I'm new to online dating so there are a lot of things i really don't understand here but when i saw your profile it was totally easy to understand that i needed to talk to you,this is why I'm on this mail right n

I am sure you can see the patterns in their messages so I won't point out the obvious. 

Until next time...keep your hearts close and your wallets closer.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Scammer?

I am starting to feel like Debi the Scammer Slayer but unlike Buffy I don't really slay them, well maybe their businesses. I want to put them out of business; if these scammers put as much time, energy and imagination into a real business I think they would be pretty successful...except for this guy:

-----Original Message-----

From: Williams Robert

To: Debi Marzoline

Sent: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 7:07 am

Subject: Re: Hello

I so much happy to read from you and perhaps we can share somethings common on here....as you can read from my profile am from new york and i work with an Organization call WHO and i think you know them.....i do a lot of activities and i guess you do as well...if you don't mind i would like to know everything about you and your likes and dislike perhaps....i am gentle loving man lost his wife to a disease call leukemia a blood cancer so to say.....i think am not keeping you bored with my story but better still i love meeting the right woman to continue my life with and to make brighter future with if possible i found one...i am so new to this online dating but as the situation calls for it i have to trust someone and continue with my life....but at the same time i am a little bit scared to trust people coz i am complete new to this kind of dating....i guess you might have enough to share as well with me as you keep reading my story..i got a kid from that my African wife i lost some years back [5 years] and up till date i remain single and loyal to her even in grave.....ahhhhhhhhhh, but i have to move on, my life is full of fun and am a romantic man as well.....my lovely daughter stays with her mother's parent i mean my in right there in Africa...i did this to make my lovely wife happy with me even in Grave coz i made a promise to her while was about to die that i would do anything to make her happy with even when she is no more...i do go to Africa sometimes to check on her i mean my daughter..i do love to meet the right woman of life...i think with all this i have express myself clear and sound...looking forward to read from you.....

And my response:

From: Debi Marzoline

Subject: Re: Hello

To: willierobertson1958@yahoo.com

Date: Wednesday, September 1, 2010, 6:52 PM

Dear Willie,

From your letter I can hear a clear accent where are YOU from originally? Do you live in New York now? What do you do with the World Health Organization? They are a pretty wonderful organization. I am in law enforcement but I can tell you about that later. How old is the kid from your African wife and did your wife die here in the US or abroad? Love to chat sometime and get to know YOU better.

Cheers, Debi

-----Original Message-----

From: Williams Robert

To: Debi Marzoline

Sent: Wed, Sep 1, 2010 11:31 pm

Subject: Re: Hello

Thanks so much for the mail, my wife died in the state and my daughter turns 20 this Sept......i did a an educative program for the organization and love doing it most of the time ..and please i will love to know more about you and what you do in your palce of work as well.....love to read from you soon.William

And my response:
 From: Debi Marzoline

Subject: Re: Hello

To: willierobertson1958@yahoo.com

Date: Thursday, September 2, 2010, 6:17 PM

Hello William,

How are you keeping? Your wife died in what state, didn't understand what you were trying to say. Did you mean you are doing an educaTION program fro WHO. What is the subject of the education? Maybe we can chat and get to know each other better. I bet you aren't that new to this type of dating....LOL. Hope you like this read.


-----Original Message-----

From: Williams Robert

To: Debi Marzoline

Sent: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 1:14 am

Subject: Re: Hello

I mean my wife died in united state....and what you mean by i am not new to online? Hope you are fine today, i did an educative program for WHO on how to take precaution against the deadly disease.... i just can't wait to chat you..hope to chat you soon and read from you...Robert

He hasn't decided what name he wants to go by (pick a name, any name) or even what language he speaks...

From: Debi Marzoline

Subject: Re: Hello

To: willierobertson1958@yahoo.com

Date: Friday, September 3, 2010, 6:14 PM


How long have you lived in US? You don't seem to have a good command of the language...just wondering?


-----Original Message-----

From: Williams Robert

To: Debi Marzoline

Sent: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 7:13 pm

Subject: Re: Hello

i told you i just got there not quite long....and why you say this ?....

Because you talk like THIS....

From: Debi Marzoline

Subject: Re: Hello

To: willierobertson1958@yahoo.com

Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 5:42 AM

So, you are saying you haven't been in the US long? Then where are you from, you have a very American sounding name?

-----Original Message-----

From: Williams Robert

To: Debi Marzoline

Sent: Mon, Sep 6, 2010 11:28 pm

Subject: Re: Hello

I was born in America, but raised in Sweden.....

So, I tried another tactic...

From: Debi Marzoline

Subject: Re: Hello

To: willierobertson1958@yahoo.com

Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 7:06 AM

Oh, I see. Was your mother Swedish then? Blir det bättre om vi kommunicera på Svenska? Är du fortfarande arbetar för vem? Eller vad gör du nu? Var är du nu bor?

Senare, Debi

Translation: Will it be better if we communicate in Swedish? Are you still working for WHO? Or what are you doing now? Where are you living now?

-----Original Message-----

From: Williams Robert

To: Debi Marzoline

Sent: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 2:25 am

Subject: Re: Hello

Jag är i Afrika kom för att träffa min dotter och jag kommer att älska att tillbaka till USA snart .... min mamma är en irländsk Amerika kvinna så jag knappt tala svenska ... men berätta mer om dig nu och är du verkligen från svenska

Translation:  I am in Africa came to see my daughter and I will love to return to the U.S. soon .... my mother is an Irish American woman so I can hardly speak Swedish ... but tell me more about you now and are you really from the Swedish

Oh boy...really??

From: Debi Marzoline

Subject: Re: Hello

To: willierobertson1958@yahoo.com

Date: Tuesday, September 7, 2010, 4:41 PM


What is your native language so we can communicate? Don't tell me it is English either because I know that to not be true.

Sincerely, Debi

His response today:

what you mean?

I am really giving up on this guy, we can't communicate, he thinks he speaks/writes perfect English, etc. I just don't think he is very successful at his venture but he does have all of the characteristics of a scammer.

I hope if you are reading this that you share with your friends and their friends and so on....Don't let these people get away with scamming women and men of their hearts and wallets.